We welcomed Susan Cook to our meeting this month  Susan presented a program on how to perk up our free motioning quilting skills among many other tips and suggestions.  She distributed a matrix so we could practice various patterns with pencil.  This is a common method to guide and inspire free motion quilting.

Susan passed around several samples of her work so we could see close up the results that can be achieved with free motion quilting.



Several our very craftiest of quilters presented an array of hand dyed fabrics they recently created.

President Suzanne discussed plans for our Quilts In The Park Quilt Show coming up on September 5th through 8th.  Members signed up for work assignments to help out during the show.
We got a nice start on items for the quilt show raffle but of course more is needed.  Items can be brought to the Pendleton Historical Museum on September 3rd during in take day or any other day during the show.


Many of the patriotic blocks from last month were returned this month in probably a two-quilt quantity when finished.

Completed baby quilts from the May block were also returned for Show and Tell.  This block yielded a nice quantity of quilts for the Riley Hospital for Children.

  Thanks to Nancy Reed, Elaine Reed, and Peggy Sangunetti for the refreshing refreshments this month!