June 5, 2013

Shirley Liby was our guest speaker for June.  Shirley provided a liberal education in fabric modification and gave us some very instructional ideas on many general and specific quilting topics.  Shirley had an attentive and eager audience for her presentation

Shirley has written and designed many books on quilting and particularly an incredible array of paper piecing patterns.

The Block of the Month for May yielded several interesting and colorful blocks which will be turned into baby quilts for Riley.  Several baby quilts from previous months were returned and completed for Riley as well.

Several Quilts of Valor were also turned in this month ready for our next presentation to the Tri County DAV organization in September.

SHOW AND TELL Our members have been very busy and brought a large number of their projects to share this month

  Thanks to Susie, Peggy, and Mary for the refreshing refreshments.  I hope you didn't miss those chocolate truffles with the cream cheese touch on top.